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CodeStack.SwEx.PMPage.Base Namespace

Base classes and interfaces for SwEx.PMPage framework
Public classClosingArg
Represents the parameter of Closing notification
Public classDependencyHandler
Handler for the control dependencies marked with DependentOnAttribute
Public classSelectionCustomFilterTSelection
Custom filter to be used in SelectionBoxAttribute which allows providing a custom logic to filter the selections in the selection box
Public interfaceIPageSpec
Public interfaceIPropertyManagerPageExTHandler, TModel
Represents the wrapper for the property manager page which builds the user interface based on the provided data model
Public interfaceIPropertyManagerPageHandlerEx
Provides additional user interface related handlers and options
Public delegatePropertyManagerPageClosedDelegate
Delegate for handling the parameters of property manager page closed event
Public delegatePropertyManagerPageClosingDelegate
Delegate for handling the parameters of property manager page closing event